12′,18′,20′,24′ & 30′ Wide CARPORT
- Metal parts may get hot when exposed to high heat or direct sunlight. Avoid contact with skin and wear protective gloves and clothing to prevent the possibility of burns.
- Avoid installation on windy days as wind may create hazards during the installation process. Wind may blow material causing body injury such as cuts and loss of fingers.
- Metal conducts electricity and electrical shock hazards exist since the structure is made of metal. During installation or storage, keep the structure and all components away from electrical sources. Make sure that your selected location is away from power lines, underground cables, and any other source of electrical power. Serious injury or even death may occur if contact is made with electrical current.
- Be careful of the sharp edges which may cause cuts or lacerations. Wear protective work gloves and suit-able clothing for protection and always take care when handling metal parts.
Things you will need
- Battery Operated or Electric Screw Gun With 5/16″ Socket Drive.
- Mason Line or Nylon String
- Ladders, one must be able to comfortably reach the peak of the building 10’ to 16′ high depending on building width and height. An extension ladder can also be helpful when installing sheet metal.
- Work Gloves
- Pencil/Marker and Felt Marker
- Tape Measure
- Hammer
- Tape Measure
- Tin Snips
- Level
- Shovel
- 2 Base rails
- Legs for walls
- 25” buildings 1 center,2 ends 2 bowlegs for each bow.
- 2×3” building 1 Bow
- Sheet Metal
- Trim for roof
- Framing screws
- Sheet metal screws
- Rebar for ground or concrete wedge anchors
Site Preparation for Building
- Ground should be fairly level.
- Ground should be clear of all debris
Location should be clearly marked for the building.
1.1. If you will be pouring a slab for your carport, the slab should be 4” thick with 6/6/10/10 welded wire fabric rein-forcement at mid-depth of the slab. The slab should slope 1/8” per foot back to front or front to back. The concrete should be 2500 to 3000 PSI.
1.2. The outside dimensions of the slab should be at least 3” wider and 3” longer than the frame. This will allow the center of your anchor bolts to be 3” from the edge of the slab.
1.1. Footer should be 12” wide and 12” deep and should be positioned so the base rails are centered in the footing.
1.2. Center the base rails on the footers.
Base Rail Setup
- Position the assembled sections on the concrete slab, footings or ground. Base rails should be size apart, outside to outside dimensions. Example (Building is a 18’ wide the base rails should be 18’ from outside to outside.
Now, measure the diagonals as shown. They should be equal. This will square up the base rail assembly. Adjust as required, continue to measure and adjust until the diagonal measurements are equal and the base rail assemblies are parallel at 18’ outside to outside. Once the frame is square and at 18’ in width anchor the base rails to the slab or footing with 1/2” x 5 1/2” concrete wedge anchors or to the ground with rebar anchors.
It is very helpful to drive stakes into the ground at the width of the carport and use them to set the dimension at the bottom of the assembly. You should set the bottom dimension before you adjust and set the top dimension.
2.25” Building Assembly
- The 2.25” building all joints slide over one another, You will need to put 4 screws on one side of each joint.
- The 2×3 building the legs will slide over the base rail union it will get 4 screws on one side.
- The top of the leg will connect to the bow by the way of a inside coupling you will need 4 screws on each side of the connects.
- You can be sure that your frame is aligned properly by tying the strings to the front and back frame sections in the locations shown below. The strings should be pulled tight. The strings on the top of the frame will show you if the frames are all at the same height and the side string will tell you if they are all in line down the side. If you need to adjust the height of any of the frames you can remove the screws in the side posts at the pins, if you have installed them and raise up the lower frame sections. Reinstall the screws. If you need to move a fame section to one side or the other you can use a motorcycle or ratchet strap and a clamp to pull the frame from one side. Place the clamp near the top of the side post and hook the strap above the clamp. Drive a stake in the ground at an angle about 5’ from the carport and attach the other end of the strap to the stake. Ratchet up the strap until the frame is aligned with the other frames. Leave the strap in place until at least the first course of sheet metal is on the roof.
- 12’,18’and 24’ wide buildings you will line up the center rib on the panel with the center of the bow. A 20’ wide you will offset the first sheet 1 rib in the center of the building.
- You will need to mark one end 6” from the end, that will line you up for the overhang.
- Sheeting should be screwed down every other rib.
- The trim will go all the round of the outside edge of the roof and should be screwed every other rib.